It's long past due for an update, so here we go!
For the most part, my Pterodactyl hasn't changed very much. It has been sitting in the garage with the nose wheel off waiting for parts for months. Dave Froble, the man who supplies Pterodactyl parts is REALLY slow at getting orders sent out. He's waiting for his side of the country to warm up since his shop is in his barn. I've since told him to forget my order for now. I'll get as many of the parts I can find elsewhere purchased from places where the wait isn't 6+ months long.
In the mean time, I've been keeping myself busy with other projects. One of which is a recently rebuilt Cuyuna 430. I got it at an amazing price and along with it came two mufflers and a box full of Rotax, Cuyuna, redrive and other engine related parts. Most of these parts will be sold off, but there's some really good pulleys which might be useful for a redrive.
Speaking of redrives, I've been trying to remove these hex bolts off the redrive attached to my older Cuyuna engine and I've have had no luck. A ratchet and a hammer doesn't work. I've tried using penetrating lubricants such as WD40 and Liquid Wrench as well, but still; no luck. I guess my last option is to find someone with a torch. and heat it off. Hopefully that will actually work.
The last worthwhile thing to mention is that I now have a CHT gauge, Tiny Tach, Ratio Right (helps measure out the correct amount of two stroke oil to mix with the fuel) , RPM gauge, Cuyuna service manual, voltage regulator (now I have two), an Icom A3 headset adapter, a Pterodactyl rib tip tool (used to pull the trailing edge of the wing over rib tips), Fram G1 fuel filter, fuel line and two old Pterodactyl pins. I have no use for the extra RPM gauge and voltage regulator, so I'll be selling those. The Key West regulator (thanks to Gary Orpe) and the Tiny Tach will stay.
Stay tuned for more updates. I have an instrument panel to build, a 3 blade Ultra Prop to buy, the Pterodactyl to finish restoring and training to get done. Things are getting unbelievably exciting as I get closer to flying.
Stay Tuned!
Current tax incentives and the evolving tax code have given thousands of people reasons to purchase their first new airplane
omg mark you were not playin when you said you had a website! you are so cool!
Making progress! I would never had the patience! I have to fly right now.
Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
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